
Current releases/images of Bench-routes is not suitable for production loads. If you face any issues, please consider opening issues here.

Bench-routes can be installed in 2 ways:

  1. Bare metal
  2. Docker
  3. Installing from source

Bare metal

This is for installing and running Bench-routes locally using a pre-release binary. Here is an example to download the amd64 version of v1.0.0-alpha.2 release.

 1# Download the pre-release version
 2wget -O bench-routes.tar.gz
 4# Extract the tar file
 5tar -zxvf bench-routes.tar.gz 
 7# Change directory
 8cd build/src-linux-amd64
10# Run

This should be enough to turn on Bench-routes. You should get something like this in the logs.

 1[hsingh@localhost src-linux-amd64]$ ./ 
 2LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.263315 main.go:55 initializing...
 3LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.266505 main.go:295 forming req_res chain ... 
 5LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.266584 main.go:295 forming flood_ping chain ... 
 6LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.266688 db.go:132 creating chain at storage/req-res-delay-monitoring/
 7LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.266736 db.go:132 creating chain at storage/flood-ping/
 8LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.266749 main.go:295 forming jitter chain ... 
 9LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.266808 main.go:295 forming ping chain ... 
10LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.266926 db.go:132 creating chain at storage/ping/
11LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.266873 db.go:132 creating chain at storage/jitter/
13LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.267624 db.go:132 creating chain at storage/req-res-delay-monitoring/chunk_req_res_https___www.facebook.com_search.json
14LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.267817 db.go:132 creating chain at storage/jitter/
15LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.267914 db.go:132 creating chain at storage/flood-ping/
17LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.268023 db.go:132 creating chain at storage/ping/
18LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.268106 db.go:132 creating chain at storage/req-res-delay-monitoring/
19LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.268163 db.go:132 creating chain at storage/jitter/
20LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.268211 db.go:132 creating chain at storage/flood-ping/
21LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.268397 main.go:326 finished req_res chain
22LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.268360 db.go:132 creating chain at storage/ping/
23LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.268639 main.go:326 finished jitter chain
24LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.268730 main.go:326 finished flood_ping chain
25LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.268806 main.go:326 finished ping chain
26LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.268891 main.go:89 initial chain formation time: 2.503946ms
27LOG:    2021/03/10 21:59:14.268939 main.go:93 Bench-routes is up and running


Right now, we do not provide docker builds at docker hub. This will be done once the projecct moves to beta version. But that does not mean you cannot use docker to make your life easier. We have a dockerfile for this purpose.

You can clone the repository and then in the root folder, execute

1# Build the image in your local docker registry
2docker build -t bench-routes:local-latest .
4# Run
5docker run -p 9990:9990 -it bench-routes:local-latest

This should start running Bench-routes in the current terminal.

Install from source

Since the project is in active development in early stages, the recent master commits will always be more stable than the alpha releases. This makes a lot of sense to install and use the most recent code from development.

You can install and run from source in 3 ways:

  1. Using makefile
  2. Building the project
Note: Please ensure that the installed go version satisfies 1.15.x and above.

Using makefile

Makefile is used to ease the software development process. In order to start running Bench-routes

1make run

This simply runs the following command

1go run src/*.go 9990

This means that you can also use that command to run directly.

Note: If you want to run Bench-routes at a port other than :9990, just change the last argument to the port you want to keep.

Building the project

You can make a binary file and simply run it.

1# Build
2go build -o bench-routes ./src/*.go
4# Run
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