Getting started

This is a guide to get started with the project. This is written more like a hello-world like manner, in order to keep it simple.

Running Bench-routes is pretty straight forward. You require 2 files mostly:

  1. Binary file
  2. Configuration file (as local-config.yml)

The binary file can be downloaded and installed by following the instructions from here. Once you have downloaded you need to ensure that you have a local-config.yml file.

By default, Bench-routes is configured to consider local-config.yml as the default config though this can change in stable releases.

If you have followed the instructions by now from installation to making sure that config file is present, you can safely run bench-routes. Based on your method of installation, you can run it:

  1. ./bench-routes
  2. go run ./src/*.go
  3. make run

You should have Bench-routes running at port :9990 as default.

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