
First off, thank you for showing your interest in contributing the project!

The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to Bench-routes. These are mostly guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.

Code of Conduct

This project and everyone who participates in it, are governed by this Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behaviour to

How Can I Contribute?

Contribution in code

We are excited to receive contributions from you in form of code.

Unsure where to begin contributing? You can start by looking through these beginner and good-first-issue issues:

  • Beginner issues - issues which should only require a few lines of code, and a test or two.

Pull Request Process

  1. Make a new branch for each feature/pull request.
  2. Ensure any install or build dependencies are removed before the end of the layer when doing a build.
  3. Ensure that the code follows the linting standards. eslint, tslint and prettier are used for the TypeScript files and golint is used for the Golang files. Use the command make fix to format the code.
  4. Write appropriate comments in the pull request, explaining the changes made. This helps maintainers, and the community understand the changes made by you and help review the PR. Reference the issue you are fixing.
  5. For changes to the front-end include screenshots or screencast showing the working changes. You can use browser extensions like Screencastify to create a screencast.
  6. Make sure you submit some kind of proof of your fix that makes the reviewing process easier for the maintainers.

Reporting Bugs

This section guides you through submitting a bug report. Following these guidelines helps maintainers and the community understand your report, reproduce the behaviour, and find related reports.

When you are creating a bug report, please include as many details as possible. Fill out the required template, information it asks for, helping others with better understanding of the problem.

Note: If you find a Closed issue that seems like it is the same thing that you're experiencing, open a new issue and include a link to the original issue in the body of your new one.

Suggesting Enhancements

This section guides you through submitting an enhancement suggestion, including completely new features and minor improvements to existing functionality. Following these guidelines helps maintainers and the community understand your suggestion and find related suggestions.

When you are creating an enhancement suggestion, please include as many details as possible. Fill in the template, including the steps that you imagine you would take if the feature you're requesting existed.

Note: If you wish to contribute on a new feature, please consider opening a topic at our mailing list. You can discuss about your ideas and approach with the mentors here.